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XG users should take look at the following link at 'Webring':
- Hints to the EWS64
- Cubase mixer maps for EWS64
- Cubase mixer maps for Korg 168 RC
- Cubase mixer maps for Yamaha XG
- Cubase scriptfile for the soundset 'GSSBK320.94b' of the EWS64
- Cubase scriptfiles for the sound cards/sound modules DB50XG, SW60XG, MU10, MU50 and MU80 from
- Windows 2000/XP installation file for the Yamaha SW60XG
- Yamaha XG programming pages
- EMU48 pages
- Email, Feedback, Guestbook
- Links
- History: All updates of my English pages
Fans of the sound card TerraTec EWS64 (S/L/XL/XXL) will find tips
on this highly complex soundcard on my pages 'Hints to the EWS64'.
Here you'll find detailed information on setting up the EWS64 under
Windows® and Cubase 5®. This information is of interest to any EWS64
user having trouble with this soundcard under Windows/Cubase.
Here you can also find a TTS-version of the EWS64 soundset GSSBK320 and additional software downloads
for the EWS64.
- Introduction TerraTec EWS64
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Windows setup help
- Cubase setup help
- EEPROM setup help
- Project 'Micro-PC for EWS64'
(Like this you can use the EWS64 even with actual computers)
- Soundset GSSBK320 as TTS files
- Software for the EWS64
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My 33 mixer maps for the EWS64 offer easy access to nearly all the available sound parameters
of this soundcard (5545 dials und 2173 switches in all !). With
these you are able to simply control any instrument, drumkit or
FX setting of this soundcard via Cubase 5.
It's never been easier to benefit from the advantages of advanced
MIDI control with the EWS64 synthesizer.
In addition you can find here a Cubase scriptfile for the soundset GSSBK320 and Drum-Maps for
all included Drum-Kits.
- Introduction EWS64 mixer maps
- The 16 EWS64 Channel mixer maps
- The EWS64 Master mixer maps
- The 16 EWS64 Drum mixer maps
- Installation of these EWS64 mixer maps
- Download these mixer EWS64 maps
- Cubase scriptfile for soundset GSSBK320
- Cubase Drum-Maps for all Drum-Kits of soundset GSSBK320
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My 5 mixer maps for the Korg 168 offer easy access to nearly all the available settings of
this digital recording console. With these you are able to achieve
full mixer automation in a Cubase 5 song.
- Introduction Korg 168 RC mixer maps
- The 4 Korg 168 RC Channel mixer maps
- The Korg 168 RC Master mixer maps
- Installation of these Korg 168 RC mixer maps
- Download these Korg 168 RC mixer maps
- Technical information to the Korg 168 RC
- Guide to reset the Korg 168 RC after a system crash
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My 20 mixer maps for Yamaha XG offer easy access to all the available sound parameters of
XG voice instruments, XG drum instruments, effect settings and global MIDI settings
(2484 dials und 1592 switches in all !). With these you are able to
simply control any instrument, effect setting or global
MIDI setting of XG synthesizers via Cubase 5.
It's never been easier to benefit from the advantages of
advanced MIDI control featured by Yamaha XG synthesizers.
In addition you can find here several Cubase Scriptfiles and Drum-Maps for XG-Synths.
- Introduction Yamaha XG mixer maps
- The 16 XG Part mixer maps
- The XG Master mixer map
- The XG Variation mixer map
- The XG Drum mixer maps
- Installation of these XG mixer maps
- Download these XG mixer maps
- Cubase Scriptfiles for XG-Synths
- Cubase Drum-Maps for XG-Synths
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Cubase users of the EWS64 should take a look at my EWS64 Cubase
patchname scriptfile for the EWS64 soundset 'GSSBK320.94B':
This patchname scriptfile offers easy access to all the available
instruments, SFX sounds and drum kits of this soundset via name. With this, you
won't need to remember program and bank numbers for
instruments/drumkits anymore.
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Cubase users of these sound cards/sound modules should take a look at my 5 XG Cubase patchname scriptfiles.
This patchname scriptfiles offer easy
access to all the available instruments, SFX sounds and drum kits for these XG synthesizers
via name. With those, you won't need to remember program
and bank numbers for instruments/drum kits anymore.
Note: These scriptfiles have been optimized for the really available XG and TG300B
instruments/drum kits of DB50XG/SW60XG/MU10/MU50/MU80 synths. For this reason they are
a good replacement for the Standard XG patchname scriptfile
(featured in Cubase 5/SX).
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Many owners of the Yamaha sound card SW60XG couldn't use this card under Windows 2000/XP because it
was impossible to install it with the MSMPU401.INF file from the Yamaha webpage.
Now that's over!
With my new SW60XG.INF file you can easily install the SW60XG under Windows 2000/XP :-)
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These pages are of interest
for users of a Yamaha XG synth (or any XG compatible synth), who want to use the
advantages of advanced MIDI programming featured by the Yamaha XG Standard.
These pages contain all available XG Standard MIDI messages presented as simple as possible.
- Introduction Yamaha XG
- System Setup and standard MIDI controller
- Part Setup
- Drum Setup 1 and 2
- Reverb and Chorus
- Variation Effect
- SW60XG Special
- XG Reference Tables
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These pages are of interest for users of EMU48. There you'll find 'Werner's GX', a
KML script for EMU48, which emulates a HP48 GX with full English or German
keyboard support. Another great feature of Werner's GX is the GUI: It includes
all right shift alpha characters as well as information to keyboard assignments and you
can switch between SX or GX style.
In addition you can find information how to setup EMU48 for a HP 48 SX or GX including
a quick installation guide.
- Introduction EMU48 and HP48 GX and SX
- Download Werner's GX incl. additional information
- Download Werner's SX incl. additional information
- German keyboard assignments incl. keyboard scancodes
- English keyboard assignments incl. keyboard scancodes
- EMU48 programs
- Easy EMU48 - a quick installation guide
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Here you can get in contact with the author of this homepage and visit the guestbook of STUDIO4ALL.
- Feedback for the Author
- View my guestbook
- Entry for the guestbook
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At my page Links you will find information to homepages of special interest.
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C/O 2002-2009: Werner Ogrodnik (Cologne, Germany)